Addressing inequalities and accelerating SDGs

International Gender Champions

International Gender Champions / Women@thetable

All Champions sign the Panel Parity Pledge to no longer sit on single-sex panels, the core of our initiative. Champions also make two individualized commitments to achieve gender equality in their organization and its activities. Champions also work in groups on sector specific impacts. IGC’s Trade Impact Group made history at WTO’s MC11, when its Declaration on Trade and Women’s Economic Empowerment was joined by 120+ Member States and Observers. The Buenos Aires Declaration is critical as it institutionally encourages countries to identify impact of trade on women and take this into consideration in their trade agreements with potential global impact on women’s economic status. IGC Impact Groups on Representation, Standards, and Disarmament are working on similar sector impact. IGC’s unique tri-partite leadership of female & male decision-makers is a stealth app for democracy: multilateral, inclusive and resilient, optimizing access, agency, and policy, responsive to the underrepresented half of the population.
