Wanted: A Functioning Global Order

About us
Helping better organize our planet
ln a world where collective action is more urgent than ever but where competition and the complexity of global challenges seem overwhelming, the Paris Peace Forum is a platform open to all seeking to develop coordination, rules, capacities and political momentum.
Year-round support activities and an annual event in November help better organize our planet by convening the world, boosting projects, and incubating multi-actor initiatives.
Convening global governance actors
Every year, the Paris Peace Forum’s annual event and Spring Meeting convene heads of state, leaders of international organizations and companies, and civil society organizations from all corners of the world to improve global governance.

11-12 November 2024
7th Edition
Wanted: A Functioning Global Order
Policy Initiatives
Pioneering new forms of cooperation
The Forum serves as an incubator and platform of new global governance policy initiatives. Each initiative pioneers new forms of cooperation between governments, international organizations, civil society and businesses to deliver concrete results.
Accelerating solutions that make a difference
The Paris Peace Forum continues to demonstrate that in a deteriorated international environment it is still possible to advance governance solutions, scale up projects and launch new initiatives. Since its creation, the Forum has supported and accompanied more than 500 projects that respond to the cross-border challenges of our time.
The Forum in the news