Addressing inequalities and accelerating SDGs

AU-EU Youth Cooperation Lab

African Union Commission

The AU-EU Youth Cooperation Hub , follow-up of the AU-EU Youth Plug-In initiative (www.aueuypii.org), is a platform gathering young Africans, Europeans and Diaspora, to refine, pilot, monitor and report on concrete solutions from the AU-EU Youth Agenda, presented at the 5th AU-EU Summit (Abidjan, November 2017). In doing so, the 42 selected Youth will work hand in hand with EU & AU services and other relevant stakeholders to the Africa-EU partnership (private sector, academia, civil society, think tanks, etc.). The AU-EU Youth Cooperation Hub aims to "test innovative solutions to common challenges on both continents". With 10M euros, under the form of a Call for Proposals to CSOs, the Hub will plan and oversee the implementation of one (max. two) scalable project(s) per thematic area of the Abidjan Youth Agenda and present results at the 6th AU-EU Summit. Unprecedented approach to Youth inclusion in the Africa-EU partnership, the Hub is as an aggregator of energies, bringing in other partners such as the European Investment Bank, GiZ, UNICEF and possible others such as the Mo Ibrahim Foundation.
