20 March 2023

The Forum at the UN Cyber Open-Ended Working Group

News from our Cyberspace program

On the occasion of the 4th substantive session of the United Nations’ Open-Ended Working Group on the Security in and of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), also known as “UN Cyber OEWG”, which took place from 6 to 10 March 2023, our experts on digital issues, Jérôme Barbier and Pablo Rice were in New York to represent the Paris Peace Forum and thecommunity of the Paris Call for trust and Security in Cyberspace.

Established in 2020 by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), the UN Cyber OEWG aims to enhance the security and stability of cyberspace by developing a common understanding among UN member states on possible impacts of the ICT environment on international security, and advancing norms and rules of good behavior.

With many states taking the floor, including emerging nations and countries currently developing their national positions, this 4th substantive session was a major milestone in international cooperation to secure a free, stable, open and peaceful ICT environment.

As one of the OEWG stakeholders, the Paris Peace Forum made two statementsincluding one on best practices and lessons learned on the topic of publicprivate partnerships for capacitybuilding in the area of security in the use of ICTs:


On the sidelines of this successful session, the Paris Peace Forum also organized two side events:

A closed-door workshop, in partnership with Microsoft, to reflect on the action plan of the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace and its new priorities.

A Chatham House roundtable at the Permanent mission of France to the United Nations in New York, in partnership with the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE), to debate on meaningful stakeholder inclusion in the Cyberspace Program of Action adopted by the UNGA in 2022, as part of the UN’s efforts to promote peace and security in cyberspace.
