Ensuring trust and safety in the digital world

Multistakeholder Workstream on Public-Private Partnerships in Fighting Ransomware threats

21 November 2022

Over the past decade, ransomware has emerged as a prominent component of the global cyber threat landscape.

As a global phenomenon, the ransomware threat spares no industry or region across the world and relies on a complex ecosystem. The dynamics thus reinforce the need to achieve effective cooperation and common understanding between private and public actors. Starting from this premise, the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace has launched a workstream aimed at informing the intergovernmental work of the Working Group n°3 of the Counter Ransomware Initiative by providing a global, multistakeholder lens. This workstream brought together representatives from the public sector, industry and civil society for a round of discussions initiated in mid-2022, where participants agreed on the drafting of the present compendium of existing global initiatives aimed at fighting ransomware threats through PPP (Public-Private Partnerships) cooperative models.

